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Zdravie • piatok, 5. marca 2021 • 2 min

What is a healthy gut and why is the gut microbiome important?

By Zinzino

Having a ‘gut feeling’ isn’t just a turn of phrase. Our gut is called the second brain for a good reason. The brain and gut are intimately connected by an extensive network of neurons and a ‘nerve highway’ of chemicals and hormones. This provides constant feedback and communication about how hungry we are or how stressed we feel.

To quantify the brain-gut-health connection, notice how the body responds to anxiety, for example. It’s not uncommon for someone to experience digestive disturbances, prompting a trip to the bathroom.

To have a healthy gut is to enjoy daily bowel movements without obstruction or pain. No bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea. A ‘happy’ gut also means having a good balance of bacteria, or microbes, in the gastrointestinal tract. The gut microbiome helps absorb nutrients (and therefore, energy) and fight harmful viruses.

The most common causes of gut health issues

Constant gas after meals, excessive burping, heartburn and fatigue post-meal are all signs of digestive woes. But what causes these issues? Tummy troubles can be caused by bacterial overgrowth (undigested food by the time it reaches the colon), partial digestion (fermented and putrefied), low bile and enzymes, nutrient deficiency, and poor chewing.

The importance of gut health for overall well-being 

Gastrointestinal functioning is not just a system that works in isolation. It impacts the health of the entire body. Dozens of conditions come into play when it comes to the state of gut health – many of which might be of surprise, including our mood. Microbial function is the driving force of good health and nutrition plays a key role.

How to improve gut immunity and microbiome

There are broader should-do’s when it comes to leveraging the power of good health through the gut. Cut back on processed foods and stick to the perimeter of the supermarket where all the real food is. Stay hydrated, exercise regularly, engage in de-stress activities and positive sleep habits. Consume probiotics, fermented foods and prebiotic fiber. And of course, avoid smoking and the exposure to toxic products that wreak havoc on the stomach.

Eat like you live in the Mediterranean

Foods that are perceived or labeled as ‘healthy’ don’t always agree with the gut. Dairy, soy-based products and meat alternatives are good examples. For chronic issues, it’s worthwhile keeping a food diary and tracking how the digestive system behaves.

Follow a clean, wholesome diet that is high in fiber1, like the Mediterranean diet and support it by gut-balancing nutritional supplements such as ZinoBiotic+. It’s a tailored blend of eight natural dietary fibers2. digestion resistant starch3 from whole grains, inulin from chicory root, beta glucan4 from oats, and fructooligosaccharides (FOS) also from chicory root and psyllium husk.  ZinoBiotic+ promotes healthy bowel functions, reduces feelings of bloating and helps you maintain normal cholesterol levels.*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

1. A claim that a food is high in fibre,

Tvrdenie, že potravina má vysoký obsah vlákniny a akékoľvek iné tvrdenie, ktoré môže mať pre spotrebiteľa rovnaký význam, sa môže uvádzať len vtedy, ak výrobok obsahuje aspoň 6 g vlákniny na 100 g alebo aspoň 3 g vlákniny na 100 kcal.

2. Oat grain fibre

Vláknina z ovseného zrna prispieva k zvýšenému objemu stolice. Toto tvrdenie platí iba pre potraviny s vysokým obsahom konkrétnej vlákniny, ako sa uvádza v tvrdení VYSOKÝ OBSAH VLÁKNINY uvedenom v dodatku k nariadeniu (ES) č. 1924/2006.

3. Replacing digestible starches

Nahradenie stráviteľných škrobov v strave rezistentnými škrobmi prispieva k zníženiu hladiny glukózy v krvi, ktorá po jedle prirodzene stúpa. Toto tvrdenie sa môže použiť len pri potravinách, v ktorých bol stráviteľný škrob nahradený rezistentným škrobom natoľko, že konečný obsah rezistentného škrobu predstavuje najmenej 14 % celkového množstva škrobu.

4. Beta glucans blood cholesterol levels

Beta glukány prispievajú k udržaniu normálnej hladiny cholesterolu v krvi. Toto tvrdenie sa môže použiť len pri potravinách, ktoré obsahujú aspoň 1 g beta glukánov z ovsa, ovsených otrúb, jačmeňa, jačmenných otrúb alebo zo zmesí týchto zdrojov podľa kvantifikovaného pomeru. Aby bolo možné splniť požiadavky tohto tvrdenia, spotrebiteľovi musí byť poskytnutá informácia o tom, že priaznivý účinok nastane pri dennom príjme 3 g beta glukánov z ovsa, ovsených otrúb, jačmeňa, jačmenných otrúb alebo zo zmesí týchto beta glukánov.